BS ISO 6722-1-2011道路车辆.60 V和600 V单芯电缆.铜导体电缆的尺寸规格,试验方法和要求
Road vehicles. 60 V and 600 V single-core cables. Dimensions, test methods and requirements for copper conductor cables
BS ISO 6722-1主要测试内容如下:
1、电线外径 Outside cable diameter (ISO 6722-1 Section 5.1)
2、绝缘厚度 Insulation thickness (ISO 6722-1 Section 5.2)
3、导体直径 Conductor diameter
4、导体电阻 Conductor resistance
5、耐电压 Withstand voltage
6、绝缘缺陷 Insulation faults
7、绝缘体积电阻 Insulation volume resistively
8、高温压力 Pressure test at high temperature
9、剥离力 Strip force
10、低温卷绕 Low temperature winding
11、冷冲击 Cold impact
12、拖磨 Sandpaper abrasion
13、刮磨 Scrape abrasion
14、3000h长期老化 Long-term ageing,3,000 h
15、240h短期老化 Short-term ageing, 240 h
16、热过载 Thermal overload
17、热收缩 Shrinkage by heat
18、耐液体 Fluid compatibility (三种测试方法 ISO 6722-1 Section 5.17)
19、电线标志耐久性Durability of cable marking
20、耐臭氧 Resistance to ozone(ISO 6722-1 Section 5.19)
21、耐热水 Resistance to hot water
22、温度和湿度交变 Temperature and humidity cycling
23、抗延燃 Resistance to flame propagation