欧盟EN149:2001检测标准:呼吸防护装置.颗粒防护用过滤半面罩.要求、检验和标记FFP1:低过滤效果》80%FFP2:低过滤效果》94%FFP3:低过滤效果》97%1、高可允许粉尘穿透值Maximum Penetration:气流量在95 LPM2、初测试可允许流量阻抗压差(DELTA P)Breathing Resistance测试方法:使用一个喷雾装置,用来释放出固定流量的空气流,这个空气流包含着一定浓度的金黄色葡萄球菌,让这股空气流穿过包含所有层的外科口罩。喷雾口的平均尺寸为3微米。通过样品的细菌数目和没有样品时的细菌数目进行比较。A higher BFE percentage indicates a better protection level for the patient against infective agents from the OR staff.这个BFE比值越高,说明口罩能更好的保护病人不易因为手术人员而感染。Classification:分类BFE => 95% TYPE IBFE => 98% TYPE IIA different BFE test called the "Modified Green & Vesley" or BFE in vivo has been used frequently in the past. This test method always provides extremely high values, but does not really differentiate between different quality surgical facemasks. The BFE in vivo test method is therefore not part of the new EU standard.不同的BFE测试可以称为“修改版的Green&Vesley”或者体外BFE,这种方法在过去经常被使用。这种测试方法能提供极高的值,但并不真正的区分出不同质量外科口罩。这种体外BFE测试方法因此没有成为新的欧盟标准的一部分。
2. Breathing Resistance (Delta P)呼吸阻抗 它是指气体在流经呼吸道及呼吸装置时的耗功加总值。Test is used to determine the resistance airflow of the facemask.这种测试来确定口罩的气流阻力。To test, a controlled flow of air is driven through a sample of the surgical mask containing all layers. The pressure before and after the sample is measured; the difference in pressure is divided by the surface (in cm2) of the sample.测试方法:使用一股定量的气流通过包含所有层的外科口罩样品。测量通过样品之前和之后的压力,这个不同的压力值再除以口罩的表面积(cm2)。A lower breathing resistance indicates a better comfort level for the user. It means the mask feels cooler and easier to breath through, and that the mask will maintain its shape in a better way as there is less pressure on the material. There will be less unfiltered air escaping around the mask.CE标志是欧盟的产品安全认证标志,不论是在欧盟本地企业生产的产品,还是欧盟以外地区生产的产品,要想将产品销往欧盟市场,就必须加贴CE标志,以表明产品符合欧盟《技术协调与标准化新方法》(以下简称《新方法》)指令的基本要求。没有加贴CE认证标志的商品,不得上市销售,已加贴CE认证标志进入市场的产品,发现不符合安全要求的要责令经销商从市场收回,持续违反指令有关CE认证标志规定的,将被限制或禁止进入欧盟市场或被迫退出该市场。